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In the range of Ditron portfolio, an interesting product is certainly Omega bilance check outs that always allow different solutions. Starting from the simple configuration of display + load cell, the evolutions can be manifold.
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The check outs consist of a base containing the load cell and the indicator module. The indicator module can be mounted on a column or on a table stand. A second indicator module can be optionally connected to the first to replicate its information. The load cell can be connected to both an ECR and a POS PC.
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Considering the big number of opportunities that allow check outs, we dedicated to check out product an entire area of our stand at the last Euroshop fair in Düsseldorf.
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The stations provided for the integration of different components; in addition to the display and the load cell, they also included POS, fiscal printer and automatic drawer.
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The check outs, therefore represent a big  opportunity for any small or large point of sale; totally customized cash points can be studied based on ever-changing needs.

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